Announcing ALT-G
I just started an informal working group to further my metaprogramming agenda. Here is the text of an announcement email I just sent:
“I’ve been having several conversations about applications of language technologies with various PL lunch regulars. This last Friday, Wonseok and I decided to start a small working group, which I’m calling the “Applied Language Technologies Group” (ALT-G). This group should be relatively low bandwidth and informal at this point. Our initial short term goal is to come up with a whitepaper about “What’s visible in the visible compiler”. Our longer term goal is to evaluate and contribute to applications of programming language technologies, with the hope that someday we’ll reach “metaprogramming nirvana” (which is a hard place to reach; just ask Charles Simonyi).
If you’re interested, I invite you to join the Google Group:”
Of course, if anyone else is interested, I invite them to join remotely.